Impression FAQ

How it works

A personalised necklace can be a beautiful and meaningful way to express yourself and tell your own story. With our lost-wax casting technique, we can help you create an impression necklace that is completely unique to you. Each necklace is crafted with care and precision, capturing the essence of your story in a stunning piece of jewellery.

With this video as your guide, you can explore the creative possibilities of lost-wax casting and unleash your inner artist, using your own hands to shape and mold your jewellery into a beautiful expression of your individuality. So why wait? Start crafting your own story today and make a statement with a stunning personalised necklace that’s truly one-of-a-kind!

Once we receive your wax it usually takes between 2 to 4 weeks for silver and gold pieces to be cast and finished.  Please allow up to 6 weeks during our busy times.  Each piece is made to order and hand finished in our Wellington workshop please get in contact if you have a deadline in mind and we will do our best to try to meet it.

Just the one kit is needed for the whole family/group. If you want to make more than one impression necklace or piece pleas let us know at checkout so we can make sure you have plenty of what you need included in your kit.
We can also send you more impression materials if you feel you need more.
And remember that the wax can be re-heated and impressed over and over again until you are happy with the results.

Absolutely! We love seeing what creativity people come up with for the waxes. Just make sure that you are 100% happy with your design when you submit it back to us for casting as the details on the finished piece will look exactly the same in precious metal as they do in wax.

Yes you can! We can lightly hand stamp a San-serif initial in to the back of the pendant without affecting the impression on the other side. It may be off centre if your wax is thin in the middle. Just make sure each of your waxes are clearly labelled when you return them us for casting and we will take care of the rest.

We regularly create pendants with fully formed fingerprints with 2 and 3 year olds.  It is possible to try with children younger than 2 but we cannot guarantee the outcome if their fingerprints are not fully formed yet.  For the very young it is ofter the tiny size of their finger divot that makes the piece so adorable as their fingertips don’t stay tiny for long.

Since our hands all age differently you but only try.  Explore taking impressions from different parts of the hand.  We have had some lovely impressions taken from hand creases and knuckles in the past.

You can look on the back of your enclosed wax tin to see what has been pre-purchased with your kit.  You can contact us directly with your order number and we can direct you from there.  All you have to do is explore the possibilities and have fun capturing your own unique impression.  

Before returning the wax impression, make sure you’re happy with it’s appearance since the final product will be an exact replica of it. If you can see a fingerprint and like the shape of the wax, then it’s fine to proceed.  It can help to look at the wax through the zoomed in lense of your phone camera to check for details in the wax.  Those details will look great and be highlighted in polished silver or gold.  Remember that the wax always looks underwhelming compared to the finished piece.  Trust the process.

Yes with any impression you can make a double sided or multi sided impression.  The best way to make a double sided impression is to press the warm wax between your fingertips in mid air.  Or you could press two finger tips down on top of a finger for a triple sided impression.

The waxes come in three sizes. Mini is about the size of a green pea and really popular for wearers of lighter, more dainty jewellery. Our classic waxes are about the size of a chickpea and most popular for fingerprint impressions as this size often leaves a nice thick edge on the impresison that we can polish. And lastly our large impression wax is about the size of a blueberry and this is popular for wearers of heavier jewellery and larger impressions (for example a large dog paw impression).  You can press the round wax balls very flat and wide or press them less so they are quite thick and nuggety.  You can always re-warm and re-roll the wax to try again if you don’t like the shape.

Yes. We work closely with funeral directors and can most likely cast an impression pendant from the impression that they have taken for you.  Please get in touch with us so we can help.

Yes. Get in touch to let us know so we can arrange to create a master-pattern from the wax that you have chosen.  To do this we make a silicone mould from your selected wax impression and from this mould we can cast as many impression pendants as you wish.  You can select to have this silicone mould (master-pattern) when you purchase the impression kit.

Yes, get in contact for prices on individual pendants.  We have carefully selected our chains for their strength and style.  They are designed to be worn for years and years while keeping your solid impression pendant safe.  We recommend getting your existing chain links checked for general wear and tear by a jeweller before trusting it to keep your new impression pendant safe.

Please get in touch for a quote if you wish to make a custom size impression.  Our impression sizes are calibrated so that once cast they will weigh a specific amount in Silver or Gold which is about 10x heavier in metal per gram than it is in wax.  

The waxes are designed to capture a detailed snap shot of a section of your muse rather than the entire area of texture.  Consider pressing the wax onto the centre of one of the toe pads rather than trying to press it across the entire paw.

Yes we can digitise the ink print and laser engrave it onto one of our blank impression pendants for you.  Just send us a good quality image (or high resolution scan) of your father’s print and we can go from there.

The Process

family making their impression from jewellers wax

Once you order your impression piece, you will receive an impression kit. Capture your impression in wax following the instructions, and return it to us.

Gemma in the workshop working on a silver fingerprint impression necklace

We cast your impression creation in your choice of precious metal.

Woman holding a silver fingerprint impression necklace in their hands

Your hand finished Coveted impression piece is returned to you to treasure forever.

The essence of meaningful jewellery

Our Impression Collection was created with a very special purpose. It aims to provide individuals with a unique way to keep a piece of their loved one close to their heart.

The pieces are created using a lost wax casting technique, which allows for the creation of custom impressions that are entirely unique in shape and texture. This process results in a one-of-a-kind piece that holds real sentiment and lasts a lifetime.

Gemma working on a Coveted fingerprint impression necklace in her wellington workshop
In The Making

The wearer becomes the maker – introducing Coveted Jewellery.

Coveted Jewellery is the brainchild of Wellington-based artisan jeweller Gemma Miller, a traditionally-trained goldsmith with 15 years of experience working within the jewellery industry in both New Zealand and overseas. Embracing her specialty; making meaningful and timeless pieces that are bespoke to each and every individual, was where the idea for Coveted began.