Portia's Heartwarming 'Pinky Promise' Impression Necklace

We love hearing about the creative ways our customers use our impression kits to capture their precious memories. And we were delighted when Portia shared with us the story of how she and her four children made their bespoke ‘pinky promise’ impression necklace.

Portia ordered one of our kits to capture her children’s prints, but little did she know that the process of creating the impression would be just as memorable as the end result. As she wrote to us, “I hope all of my tamariki will remember this great experience when I wear my necklace.”

Creative wax impression
Creative gold impression necklace
Engraved gold impression Necklace

Getting all four of her children to participate was the first hurdle, but with a bit of clever thinking and teamwork, they came up with a solution. They used our large wax size and came up with a process of heat, roll, cover, heat, print, and remove any stray bits of fluff, repeating the process until all four children had placed their prints on the wax.

Portia loved how the final wax impression looked like a seedpod and exclaimed, “Ooohweee! This came out way better than I imagined. I’m nervous and very excited.” When she returned the wax to us to be cast.


But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. To curb the enthusiasm of the younger children who wanted to press really hard and flatten the wax more than the older kids – therefore warping the overall shape; Portia’s older teenager came up with the idea to use two toothpicks placed at the top and bottom of the wax when it was rolled out, a great tip that we are so happy to pass onto others. 

Bespoke Family Impression Gold necklace

The end result was a unique and personalised necklace that captured a special moment in time.  It’s heartwarming to know that the process of creating your impression is as much a part of the memory as anything else

Thank you, Portia, for sharing your heartwarming story and tips with us. The results speak for themselves, and we’re thrilled to have been a small part of your family’s special moment.

With love,
Gemma x

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